Get Organised With Your Content

We’re no Marie Kondos but we do want to share some winning insights to organising your content. If you gaven’t already; start filing and organising your content archives today. A digitally decluttered system will help you declutter your mind, decrease stress in situations you need to find things fast, facilitate projects, project professionalism.

Cleaning out the closet

Chances are you have a ton of images, videos and draft blogs lying around on hard drives or cloud storage services. Scattered out on Google Drive, Dropbox or that 1TB USB drive. Old or unused content can be highly valuable assets. They might have been created in a time where content didn’t have the same value as it has today. You’ve spent time and money creating them - put them to work. Now, it’s easy enough to identify content that’s out of date visually as well as verbally (yes - facts, info and knowledge has a best before date). However, it’s up to you to filter this out. Having said that, gems that are “on-brand” and well crafted might have a timeless angle to them that you can use - rather than focusing on the new. Let these pieces of content enrol in your inbound content strategy as original content.


Make your digital files searchable. Always rename your photo files in context. “Sydney CMS Conference 2019”, “Investor Presentation Brand X”, “Sydney CBD Architecture”. The more accurate the easier to find. Cloud storage systems such as Dropbox shows results of searches instantly. Put you files into folders, type, event, department, date. Anything that will store your files neatly and in a digitally decluttered way. Spend the extra minutes renaming and filing your content - it will benefit everyone in the long run.

Avoid Plagiarism

Created a popular guest blog on a site back in the days and want to use the same material for your new venture? Don’t. Google crawlers will red flag your page for plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, get Grammarly and check through all your content with its plagiarism feature. Easy, quick and efficient. No plagiarism found? Post away. To learn more on Plagiarism, check out this in-depth article on SEMrush.

Keep It Neat & Tidy

Stop procrastinating. You’re avoiding the proper filing of your content because you probably feel it’s a waste of time, it’s tedious, it’s frustrating, it’s never-ending, it’s unnecessary. This is procrastination. You procrastinate because you decide to avoid feeling these negative emotions. “People engage in this irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.” as Dr. Fuschia Sirois mentions in a recent NY Times article on procrastination. Yet, few things feel as satisfying and positive as a tidy closet, document archive or digital filing system where anything you look for at close reach.

A well built, clean and organised content management system makes another small (or giant) victory. Victories feel good.


Thoughts On Quality